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NextLevel  Medical training 

combines insights and interview coaching from current and former trainees in a variety of specialties who have been in your shoes and know what it takes to land a core training position.

Our interview prep toolbox contains everything you need to take your interview game to the NextLevel .


Our tutorials and webinars offer advice on a multitude of topics ranging from how to create a bespoke portfolio to how to manage those daunting questions on leadership and management. 

Still feeling unprepared?

Why not schedule a one-on-one pre-interview consultation?

Consultation sessions are 45 minutes in length and conducted via Skype for your convenience.



*NB: All training material and advice provided via the NextLevel website, webinars and in one-to-one consultations is based on the experience and insights of current or former trainees who have been through the interview process. Next Level Medics does not guarantee any similarities between the interview experience of NextLevel users and the training offered by NextLevel website training material. webinars and consultations. NextLevel does not guarantee results obtained  by those who engage with any aspect of the training provided through the NextLevel website, webinars or one-to-one consultations.

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