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What to expect on interview day

No matter how well prepared you are, your success at core training interviews is dependent on how well you can "stand and deliver" at the interview stage.

Here are a few tips to help you through this stressful experience and make sure that you are ready to put your best foot forward on interview day.

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5 Tips for a "stress free"

interview experience

1. Find out where you need to be and arrive early

  • Most programmes will provide you with a confirmation letter for your interview detailing where you need to present to and at what time. 

  • Be sure to look up directions for where you need to go ahead of time (particularly if it's in a city that you aren't familiar with!) and plan how you are going to get there (i.e. bus/ train/ tube etc). Plan back up transportation in case an unexpected event occurs ( signalling issues on a train line for instance).

2. Pack the night before

  • You will likely need to provide a host of documentation on the day (ie passport, GMC certificate etc).  Each programme has slightly different requirements. Refer to your programme-specific documents checklist for details. 

  • Make sure that you pack your documentation ahead of time. It is incredibly easy to forget to take your passport and other evidence on the day as you are likely to be distracted. Use a plastic folder/binder to make it easier for you to keep your documents together.

  • Although copies will be taken of your original documents by the programme organisers when you check in on interview day, you might want to make your own copies ahead of time as well in the event that your documents are misplaced.


3. Decide on 2 interview outfits a few weeks in advance

  • Again, first impressions count! You want to look professional and well-put together on the day.

  • Choosing your outfits ahead of time will ensure that you are able to try them on and dry clean/press/tailor items as required.

  • Why 2 outfits? Have you ever decided to grab a 'quick' cup of coffee before heading out the door and ended up spilling it down your new top? Accidents happen. Have a back up outfit ready just in case.

Tips for choosing the perfect outfit 

  • Comfort is key! Although your interview may only last an hour, you are likely to spend at least several hours at your interview location. Make sure that you wear an outfit that you are both comfortable standing and sitting in.

  • Bring options: Not all buildings are heated! Consider bringing a smart blazer or sweater in case it becomes cold.

  • The devil is in the details!: Be sure to shine your shoes, wear matching socks et cetera. It's easy to forget to do these things when you are focused on your interview, but they will definitely be noticed by your assessors! 

4. Get a good night's sleep

5. Eat a hearty breakfast and bring snacks

 You may be at your interview centre for several hours. Bring an easily portable snack and drink.

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